Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tyson & his teeth

Tyson has had a loose tooth for a week.  It is disgusting!  It has been hanging in there and flopping all over the place.  He could put it all the way forward and back but it would not come out.
 Finally I got fed up and told him to bring me a paper towel.  I twisted it half a click and out it popped.
 Man am I glad that is over!  Can you believe this is the first tooth he has lost by himself?  The bottom 2 were pulled out by the dentist and now his top 2 are getting pulled too.  I wonder if we could just have monthly appointments to have the dentist pull whatever is loose :)
 Gotta love missing teeth pictures!
 We were in the middle of homework when we finally pulled it out.
 Ryan could not stop hugging/smothering him.
Yeah for one more tooth down, only all the rest except for 3 to go.  Ahhhh!  The girls teeth had better be easier than this guy's.  He is making me crazy!!


  1. That little Ryan kills me with cuteness. I loved seeing her little personality today.

    Thank goodness it came out!

  2. i hate teeth. totally feel for you. riley was completely done by 10, here's hoping tyson is done quick!
