Monday, May 19, 2014

Tigers last t-ball game

Taylor and Hayden had their last t-ball game.  It was rough!  It was crazy hot and the kids were melting and melting down.
 Hayden would usually play one inning in the field and then would refuse to go back out.  We tried to keep her in the grass because she would eat the dirt.  I love her, but man is she crazy :)
 Taylor was a hard core baller this year.  She loved playing pitcher and 1st base.  She would not pay attention unless she was in those positions.
 Taylor in action.
 Hayden liked hitting but usually had to swing 5 times or more to hit the ball.

 Taylor is an old pro and just had to work on not killing the T.
We had a super cute team but our coaches were a bit on the weird side.  If Taylor wants to play fall ball I would probably bump her up to the coach pitch league.  I don't think Hayden would play without Taylor.  So we will see :)


  1. I'm sui glad Taylor is loving it! And what are you gonna do with all the free time you have now?!

  2. One day Hayden is going to love reading about all of the crazy stuff she did when she was little. So much fun. Good job Taylor. I can't even picture Sadie playing.
