Monday, May 5, 2014

Preschool Water Day

What better way to teach preschoolers about the letter W than having a water day?!  Good job Sandy!
 I found this cool sprinkler shaped like a "worm" and the kids loved spraying each other with it.
 We had "water balloons" and played a catching game.  After the game we gave them a few and said go crazy.
 They ate "watermelon" and had a blast.
 Ryan was not a fan of the cold water so she wrapped up early.
 Here are the kids who decided it was a little too cold for them.
 Here are the couple of crazies who would have played in the freezing water all day.
 The best part is his name is Haydren and of course she is Hayden.  It always cracks me up.
 Such a ham!
 Good times with Hays and Hay-Hay!
Preschool is so fun!


  1. Love Hayden! She is such a cute girl!!!!

  2. Funny about the Haydren and Hayden names. And I love that picture of Monique with her arm around the other little girl (who I do not know).
