Saturday, May 17, 2014

DeMille freakiness

Freakiness has overtaken our house lately.
Hayden is a constant medical issue.  She gets the weirdest infections.  The other day she was outside without her shoes on and I looked down and found this freaky toe.  The picture does not do justice to the green color and the red streaks coming up her foot.  I ran her to the doctor and was told it was not an ingrown toenail, just a freaky infection.  They put her on antibiotics and it is finally back to it's normal color and size.
Tyson came into my room complaining he couldn't put his night guard in his mouth because of his new tooth.  My response, "What? You haven't lost any teeth to have a new tooth."  Well as you can clearly see he did have a new tooth and no lost teeth.  AHHHH!!  I freaked out and ran him to the dentist.  The whole issue is, his night guard fixed his baby teeth and the underbite he had but the new tooth is growing where it is suppose to if we had never fixed the underbite.  We are getting the front two teeth pulled on Monday and an attachment is being put on the night guard to pull the new teeth into their proper no underbite place.

  I cannot take any more freakiness!!!


  1. I feel your pain. Teeth are the worst!!!!! And poor Hayden! She's a tough one, never complaining about anything!

  2. Sade FINALLY lost her 2nd bottom tooth. And I say FINALLY because her adult tooth had completely grown in behind it. Gross. And now her adult tooth is way pushed back. I'm not happy. I was hoping she could be braces free like Megan.

    And Jackson has not lost a tooth for 2 1/2 years! Tooth drama is the worst.
