Sunday, May 18, 2014

Preschool field trip to Springs Preserve

Hayden's preschool for early intervention had a field trip to the Springs Preserve.  They usually have a little activity at the school once monthly that we go to.  This was our first actual field trip with them.  Hayden LOVED it!  She brought Aunt Erin, Uncle Bret, and her cousins Spencer, and Jillian along too.
 Right before we got in the room for the flash flood Hayden said she didn't want to go in.  She remembered it from last time :)  Ryan had forgotten and liked the wall until the water came down it.
 Aunt Erin had to be close to Spencer, he was not a fan.
 Jillian liked exploring until the movie started.
 The kids always love to put their hands all over the water ball.

 We went out and saw a ton of animals.  Usually they are all asleep when we visit but this time there were tons out.
 Hayden loves bunnies and wanted her picture with this cement one.  She also loves this shirt she has on and begs to wear it everyday.  I forgot about dress code and let her wear it once to school.  We had a call that night about dress code rules.  She got to wear it this day because it was a Friday and we met the group at the Springs Preserve.  So funny!
 Spencer loves sand boxes so we took a little break while the kids played in there.
 Hayden loved showing Spencer the build your own city.
 Spencer showed off his muscles.

 I have never even been to this part.  It's the best!  They have a water fall the kids can touch and this fun spinning thing.

 It was blazing hot this day but we still had to go to the outdoor playground.

 After the fun at Springs Preserve we had to go to the Meadows Mall to get some lunch and of course some candy from See's.  I love that my girls are posing on the kids toys.

Such a couple of nuts!


  1. How fun! Are you members at springs preserve? They are having the ice cream festival next weekend, you'll have to check it out. Half price for members!

  2. I loved the posed pictures! So cute. We were at the preserve on Saturday to take some pictures of plants for a project Jackson is doing, and Sade insisted we watch the flash flood exhibit. Again. I can happily say that since we have seen it approx. 30 times, there is no fear left.
