Saturday, November 8, 2014

Baseball Fall 2104

We have not been abducted by aliens the entire month of October.  We have been swamped up to our eyeballs in baseball season!!  All the kids who could be on a team this season are.  Hayden is on the Phillies t-ball team.  Taylor is on the Red Sox coach pitch team, and Tyson is on the AAA Braves team.  Sorry for the lack of posts.  I will attempt to catch up :)
Hayden is hitting so much better this season.  I think she has figured out, the harder she hits the quicker it will be over.  Let's just say she has not loved this baseball season.
 When she does slug the ball she still prances down to the bases.  It is adorable!  She is the only girl on her team and she loves all the attention.
 Hayden is rarely ever put in a serious fielding spot.  I think it is half due to her safety and half due to the coaches sanity.  If a ball is hit directly to her and hits her cleats, she will pick it up.  That's about if for fielding.

Taylor also plays in the out field a bunch but she is getting better & better at hitting.  I think she has hit off the coach more in this one season than Tyson has in his last 3 seasons.  Gotta love it!
Taylor is also the only girl on her team and it has been good for the most part.  We did have a bullying incident that went on and I had to talk to a teammates parents.  They were so upset that they made this poor boy write a letter to Taylor and apologize to her and to me.
Here is a copy of the letter:
Super nice of Andreas, I think his parents may have grounded him for life.  I have never seen parents so upset with their child.  I hate having to talk to parents about their kids but it had gone on for a couple of weeks and was making Taylor upset.  Being a grown up is not all it's cracked up to be :)

For Tyson I have not taken a single picture this entire season.  It is a totally different vibe now that he is in the big leagues.  All the cute Mommy pictures are kind of weird when the kids are so big and basically professional ball players :)  I will have to try to sneak and get some tonight!

Ward picnic

Our ward had a family picnic at Seastrand park the other day.  I am a bum and loathe these activities but drag myself to them because the kids love them.  It was pleasantly not as painful as I had expected it would be, but it still can't beat being at home :)  
Here's my crazy girl.  She has a swollen nose and face from tripping over a cement car barricade and falling onto a cement sidewalk nose first.  What the heck?  Just this morning she fell down 3 stairs as I was standing right next to her.  If she makes it out of childhood alive it will be a miracle!!
 Our ward provided bubbles for the kids. So cute!

 Ryan could not get the bubbles figured out until she saw her big sister rocking them.

I am worried about this little flirt.  Already trying to pick up boys at the park.

Good luck to us!!!