Thursday, August 22, 2013

Taylor Anne at 5

Taylor had her birthday in July and I am just barely getting around to talking about my #1 girl.  Taylor and I have a very hard relationship.  In her head she thinks she can only love one parent.  I don't know where this came from but she goes out of her way to tell me how much she only loves her Dad.  She only draws pictures for him, she wants to be with him all the time, and wants to be just like him.  In an attempt to better our relationship we went on our first Mommy/daughter date.  We went to get pedicures and went shopping at our favorite Target.
 At 5:
Taylor loves to draw and be creative.  She tells everyone she is an artist.  It's adorable!
She picks out her clothes every day and is VERY particular in what she wears.  She also likes to pick out clothes for the little girls.
Taylor is shoe, chapstick, and purse obsessed.  I don't know how I got these girly girls but all three of them are the same in that regard.
She is so smart!  If she meets you once she knows your name and something about you.  She is a people person.
 Taylor is going to do so well in Kindergarten.  She is so close to reading by herself!
She still has major hair issues and doesn't like to do anything other than a side braid or have her hair down. I drives me batty!
Taylor loves to swim and is doing so well learning to swim under water.
She follows her brother everywhere and is his #1 fan.  I will find her hilariously laughing at his dumbest joke.
 Taylor still has asthma issues but hasn't had any major problems in months.  She is on a nightly Singular that has really helped calm down her allergies which are the trigger for her attacks.  Fingers crossed that she is growing out of her asthma issues.
She is a big helper to me.  She loves to help paint when I am doing my projects. She also helps a ton with the little girls.
 Taylor and Hayden have a love/hate relationship.  One minute they will be having so much fun playing together and the next they are brawling. 
Taylor's favorite color is pink and her favorite gift to get is make up.  Sadly make up is outlawed in our house.  Our upstairs carpet will never be the same after she got a makeup box for her birthday.
Taylor is the best liar I know, maybe even better than me.  She can look at you straight face and tell you an absolute lie. It is a skill which will serve her well later in life :)
She is a great eater and has no real food hang ups.  We are blessed with good eaters.
Her favorite food is chicken nuggets and her favorite restaurant is Macayos where she will eat a ton of TCT's.
Taylor still is not the best at the movie theater but is getting better each time.  She does not like to sit and watch TV shows either, she likes to be actively doing something.
She is still learning how to ride her bike without training wheels, not quite there yet :)
Taylor is our beautiful, smart, sassy, amazing girl!  We are so lucky to have her in our family!!!


  1. At least she has almost a full year before she makes my 5 year old bike riding cut-off. Please feel free to steal my idea (lie) of telling her it is a law that she must learn before her 6th bday.

    I feel like I know Taylor so much better now! As a fellow mom to Daddy's girls I applaud your efforts to better your relationship. You are a good Mama!

  2. got to love that girl ...
    and we do

    her smile will melt even a tough old grandpa\

  3. "Taylor is the best liar I know, maybe even better than me. She can look at you straight face and tell you an absolute lie. It is a skill which will serve her well later in life :)"
    ....LOVE IT!!!! can't stop laughing!!!
