Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Jason's Birthday

Jason had his birthday in the middle of our week of fun.
 He asked for a grasshopper cake.  The idea is simple enough, it has 4 layers and you freeze in between each layer.  The problem was the wording of the recipe.  It says a "can of Hershey's fudge".  I searched high and low.  I eventually bought Hershey's hot fudge topping, but then I had to heat it up to be able to spread it.  It is the third layer and I was so worried I would ruin everything by pouring hot fudge over it.  Stressful!
 By the end you are supposed to mash up more oreos and I was so done with this cake, I just threw the whole Oreos on top.  In these situations I like to yell in my best Seinfeld voice, "Oh,  to hell with it!" Did I tell you I also had to go to 3 stores looking for mint chocolate chip ice cream? What the heck?
 Jason loved it and was so happy.  We also did not quite have the best candles so Jason is turning either 24 or 42 plus five other candles.  Seinfeld again!
 This is a cut picture of the cake, very yummy.
 Ryan has now started her love of oreos.
 The cake was so good it turned Tyson cross eyed :)

 For Jason's birthday we also went to play bingo!  Super fun way to pay our state taxes :)  We sadly did not win but because it was Jason's birthday they gave him a birthday dauber with Happy Birthday all over it.  He felt very special.
 We ate at the casino buffet and then did a little gambling.  We had the huge spending limit of $20 each.  Jason wanted to do manly games like blackjack but when I saw the Monopoly slot machine I was hooked.  After a few rounds of losing at blackjack Jason came over and we had a blast playing the 2 monopoly machines.  Super fun night!  I forgot to mention Jason didn't get one present for his birthday :(  Don't feel too bad for him though, he banked Father's Day and his birthday together and got an ipad, so he is just fine! 
Happy Birthday Jason!  We love you!!!


  1. The thought of making that cake would send me over the edge! I can barely add the oil and eggs to a mix without feeling overwhelmed. Weird about the mint chocolate chip ice cream!

    Bingo sounds awesome!!!I want to do it bad. I suggested it for our next Adventure Angels activity (after reading this post) so we will see if anyone agrees to it.

  2. I agreed with Sarah about the Bingo...I have wanted to do it forever! That cake looks awesome! I hate baking so having to do that many steps...NO THANK YOU!!!!
    Good job and Happy Birthday Jason!

  3. Can I get the recipe for that yummy looking cake?
