Thursday, August 22, 2013


The other day we were at the mall and I decided to get the little girls ears pierced.
 I was thinking about it for a while and Jason was with me so we did it.
 I don't know if Hayden knew what was going on.  She just liked being the center of attention and loved the bear she got to hold.
 They wrote the dots on her ear and then called a gal over to do both at once.  Thank goodness!!
 They told her to look at my nose but she just pointed to her own nose.
 The girl is so hardcore she didn't even make a peep!!  Her eyes got a little misty and she told the girl, "You hurt my ear!"
 She did fine with the cleaning and forgave the girl pretty quickly.
 The worst part was, right before we got out of the mall she pulled one out!  We had to go back to Claire's and they had to repierce it.  She did cry for a second on that one.  Only Hayden would need to get her ear pierced twice in one day.  She is the most prone to accidents person I have ever met!
 Next up was Ry Ry.  She was already pass nap time so she was not a happy camper.
 I had to hold her legs in between my legs, hold her arms down with one arm and hold her head still with my other arm.  Stressful!
 She lost her mind and screamed and screamed. I am such a mean Mom, I know :(
 Aren't they adorable though?!?
 She'll forgive me when she's older.
Girls are so fun!!!


  1. I think it is so smart how they do two at once now! Brilliant.

    I can't believe Hayden didn't cry! She is one amazing gal.

    The picture of Ryan screaming is the best I have seen in some time. Cute girls!

  2. I'm so happy I don't have to get holes in my ears

  3. This is why I got Alexis's when she was 3 months old...Oh it would break my heart to do it when they know what is going on. I kind of feel like it is a girls version of a boys circumcision! Cruel but oh soooooooo cute!!!!

  4. I love pierced ears! Hayden is a trooper for doing it twice!
