Thursday, July 2, 2009

Angry Russians?

We have a Russian flag that the kids like to play with. I don't remember if Jason's brother or my sister gave it to us. They both served their missions in Russia. One in Moscow and one in Siberia. Anyway, Tyson loves to tease the dog and of course Taylor with the flag. The dog did catch it a couple of times. Are we suppose to burn it now? Have we totally infuriated the Russian nation by letting children and dogs play with their flag? Is the KGB going to be knocking on our door soon? Is the KGB still around? These are the questions I need answers to! I mean I'm 1/4th Russian and I'm super mean. I'd hate to come face to face with a 100% angry Russian!
Taylor got this lovely new outfit from freecycle with the original tags and everything still on them! Oh, I love freecycle. But I should have waited to put her in it. It would have been a perfect 4th of July outfit. For the 4th we are dragging our whole gang(including the dog) and going to Cedar City for the annual DeMille family reunion. I think the kids should see that actual family reunions do take place. My family had two in my lifetime. They each ended with everyone saying, let's not do this again. Jason's family is known for their talent shows, skits, and homemade root beer. I refuse to be a part of the skits or talent show(I'm not a performer), but it is fun to see the silliness. I'm looking forward to some homemade root beer too!
Hope everyone has a wonderful 4th! Wish us luck with the Russians and taking the entire crazy crew on our first trip!!!
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  1. Have fun and enjoy the weather!!!!
    Did you see the office with the kgb joke? I love that show!

  2. I never once went to a family reunion until the 1 or 2 Steve's family has had since we've been married! Usually if a few of my family members get together (for a holiday) someone leaves and doesn't talk to other family members for year or joke!
    You are hilarious about your Russian comments!

  3. Have a great time at the reunion! Wish we could be there! The kids are so cute. Taylor looks so cute standing there all by herself. Miss you guys!

  4. You are so hilarious! Your posts always crack me up. My family does not do reunions, but Eric's family loves them. We will be heading to one of his in August. I hope you guys have a great time.
