Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Talk like a pirate day!

I like to do fun things with the kids so when I heard about Talk like a pirate day at Krispy Kreme I jumped on it!
 Hayden and Tyson were at school so I grabbed the two girls and we got to dressing up.
 If you go in and talk like a pirate you get a free doughnut but if you dress up like a pirate you get a free box of doughnuts!  Yep, we scored 3 boxes of free doughnuts!!  I couldn't decide which kid's class to take them to so I bought 2 more boxes and we walked out of Krispy Kreme with 5 boxes of doughnuts!
 Isn't Ryan the best baby pirate you've ever seen?
Tyson was so surprised when the doughnuts were brought to his class and was told all day how much his classmates love him.  Taylor loved all the attention also from her classmates and now all the kids say hi to me when I pick her up from school.  So funny!! I am marking my calendar for next year, this was such a fun day!!!