Monday, October 28, 2013


We decided months ago to go to Disneyland in October if Jason still has a job.  We have had an awful year with his work and thought that by October things would finally be resolved.  Well they aren't, and it's a constant stress, but we decided to go to Disneyland anyway.  That's the kind of people we are :)
 We drove up Sunday morning and decided to go to Disney California for the night.  The kids love buses.  Their school doesn't have one so I think that is the appeal.

 Hayden is our most fun loving girl, she got right out in the middle of the street and got to dancing while the other three stared.  Love this girl!
 She even got some butt slapping action going :)
 Ryan loved seeing all the new things.
 I was really excited for the kids to ride this ride.  It's brand new and I thought it would be so fun.  They hated it!  There is no way to control it and it kind of sucks :(

 Jason and the girls leaning to try to get it to move how they want.
 Jason took the older kids on the new cars racers (which were totally awesome!) and I took the girls to Bug's Land.  We went on the lady bug ride.

 Ryan was crazy about these hippie beads at the little store they have in cars land.

 The kids also loved Mater's tow ride.

 The ride flys you everywhere but is super fun.
Fun first night!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that is the type of people you are!

    Aren't you glad you have Hayden in your family? She is just too fun for words.
