Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October 12x12

We started our day with no football game to go to and Darrell didn't have staff to take him to soccer so we had a nice easy morning.  By "we" I mean everyone but me.  Every single time I have the opportunity to sleep in it always gets messed up.  I was up at 2 am with Taylor because she was wheezing.  We did a breathing treatment downstairs.  That woke Hayden up who then wanted to sleep with me.  The child throws a mean left hook and I am sure my skull is bruised.  This went on until the dog snuck in my room and started licking herself. (My number one hated sound)  I jumped out of bed and started the day around 5am, so much for the one day to sleep in!!
Tyson had a birthday party to go to.  I am that Mom who will get other kids the things I would never allow my own kids to have.  Case in point: spackle.  Doesn't that just look like it's going to be a huge mess?!  Not in my house though :)
 If Hayden sees the camera she asks for a picture.  If she doesn't ask for a picture, she refuses to look when you are trying to take a picture.  She's fun.
 We dropped Tyson off at Battle Blast and had to stop at Macayo's for lunch.  It was directly across the street, our hands were tied on this one!
 Taylor is an "artist" and made quite a lovely rainbow poncho for the little Macayo guy.
Ryan thinks she is so big and has to have a sample of everyone's food and drink at the table.
After Macayos we ran over to Deseret Book to buy Tyson some scriptures for his upcoming baptism.  I had a mini breakdown while shopping and ended up buying him almost everything that had the word baptism on it.  Jason held me back on the baptism towel, he said we have plenty of towels that will do just fine.  I may sneak back and buy it.  He is my first baby getting baptized!  I am freaking out!!
 We went back to Battle Blast with a little time to spare so Jason tried his hardest to win the kids a minion but $10 bucks in I called it quits.
 Ryan was in heaven searching for any change left in the machines :)
 When we got home the kids rode bikes and I cleaned out the van. 
Tyson has a brand new bike in the garage that he is getting for his birthday.  Just one more month on this little baby bike.
 We had our friends the Buffington's come over to watch the BYU game.  The kids decided to do an impromptu dance party.
They were totally into the dancing.  I guess I better shell out the money for some dance party games!
Busy, fun, (tired) day :)


  1. I was seriously taken aback when you mentioned Tyson getting baptized soon! Where has the time gone? I am mother of the year and don't buy my kids one single baptism related thing when they get baptized. Other than scriptures.

    I really, really don't understand the Macayo's haters. Seriously. What's not to like? Although....the Macayo's we got to has stopped giving suckers at the cash register which is a real kick in the pants. I LOVED those green ones.

    Too bad about the sleeping in! Things would not be pretty around here if that was me.
