Monday, October 28, 2013

Fall Festival

A week ago the kids' school had their Fall Festival.  I love all the PC terms.  I think people get so caught up in not offending anyone.  What a waste of time.  It's the school's Halloween party, there I said it.  Please take offense :)
 We met up with some friends which always make these events easier.
 Hayden and Parker  were in heaven to be with each other.
 Ryan and Ellie
 Ryan loves slides once she gets over the initial shock of sliding.
 She is also very leery of strange kids and would rather stare at them then join in.  I think it's hilarious :)
 Hayden on the other hand has never met a stranger she doesn't want to play with.

 Jason and his girls.
 We ended the night with the cupcake walk.  I have awesome memories of school Halloween parties and the cupcake walk.  But back in my day it was a  whole cake walk.  I would spend all day trying to get a cake. So fun!

I guess even the cake walk has been PC-ified. Cupcakes are not as unhealthy as giving a kid a whole cake.  And of course everyone has to win.  Lucky Taylor :)


  1. I love the picture of Ryan staring at the kids!

    You are right! Fall festival is lame. I am going in for "Halloween parties" in my kids classes tomorrow and refuse to even mention the word fall.

    I was sad they were not doing the trunk or treat this year, but heard good things about the "festival". We were out of town and missed it.
