Sunday, October 21, 2012

Trunk or Treat

Tyson's school had their Trunk or Treat this Friday.  We had a ton of fun!
 Taylor is La La Loopsy.  Her favorite part was wearing large amounts of my make up, she was in heaven.  Tyson is a zombie with bones hanging out.  This year he HAD to be something scary.  He narrowed it down to a dead ninja or a zombie.  I didn't let him wear the mask because I thought they weren't allowed so we tried our hand at skeleton make up.  Mark is Hulk Hogan which was Hilarious!  All the Dads would walk up with their kids and start talking to Mark, he was a mini-celebrity.  Two people actually took pictures with him!  I wish I would have had him wear the moustache.  I am saving it for our next Trunk or Treat.
 Taylor was suppose to be a belly dancer like Hayden but begged to be something else.  I surprised her with this costume and thought she would be so excited.  This was our conversation, "Hey Taylor I have the biggest surprise for you, I bought you a La La Loopsy costume!!" "Oh I wish it were Belle."  Imagine my little bubble of excitement popped and all the air spilling out.  That is my and Taylor's whole relationship in a nut shell.
 Taylor and her friend Becky.
 Poor Ryan was suppose to be a zebra but never made it to getting the whole costume on.
 Hayden fell sleep on the way there and we let her be!  She woke up in time to see the end part of the fun.
 We made it through tons of candy and trick or treaters and were still smiling!
One last picture of the cutest belly dancer.  It really is the best costume ever for Hayden, we always knew where she was!


  1. what is it with boys and scary costumes? i have the same thing going with riley. the girls look adorable!

  2. I didn't even notice Mark or Darrells costume because I was too focused on the cuteness of Ryan and trying to devise a plan where I could rip her out of your arms to cuddle her. Seeing her in her little red outfit really did me in.

    However, if I would have noticed Marks costume I would have asked for a picture. I love Hulk Hogan! Next year see if he will dress up like Andre the Giant.

  3. I mean pink outfit! It was read in the vision I held in my mind.
