Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

Taylor's preschool class went to the pumpkin patch!  This is actually 3 classes combined.  There are six kids in each class and Mrs. Aubrey lets siblings come too.
 The girls loved jumping in the jump houses.

 They also had a spinning ride that the kids had a blast on.  I was shocked no one threw up!

 Taylor was pretty timid in the petting zoo.
 Hayden, not too much!  The girl is a wild child, she has no fear and was touching every animal if they wanted to be touched or not!

 The kids love Mrs. Aubrey, here they are telling her all about the animals they were just petting.  She is so patient and gives each of them turns for her attention.  We are so lucky to have her as our preschool teacher again.  Tyson is in 1st grade but still talks about things he learned in her class.
 Adorable Ryan is getting so much better at being drug everywhere by her crazy mother :)
 Hayden is such a character, she doesn't need anyone else around to have a good time.  She loves to explore.  It is funny to see the differences in her and Taylor's personalities.  Taylor is all about her friends.
 Klara the farmer and Hayden the cow.
 It is always fun to attempt a group picture.  Would you believe this is the best out of four?
Believe it!  One out of three looking at the camera = Success!  I try to stay positive and think, well it could be zero out of three :)


  1. Looks like so much fun! I'm bummed Ryder was sick all weekend and we missed out on the field trip.

  2. It was hard for me to get a picture of Sadie looking at me and she was the only one I had to worry about! It was a good field trip. Perfect length.
