Sunday, October 14, 2012

October 12x12

Our day started bright and early. 5am to be exact!  Ryan has been really congested lately and she was up most of the night.  Hayden has been going through something as well and has been insisting on sleeping with us.  But the reason we decided to just get up was this boy, who has croup.  I googled croup and it is for children 3 years and under.  Why is my almost 7 year old still getting it I ask you?
 Jason went to the temple to do some of my family names.  Such a good guy!  This poor man didn't know how much work he was getting into when he married me!  This minute I have over 300 male names waiting to be done. He does as many as he can and never complains about all the crazy Russian names :)
Tyson had a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese to go to.  This was one of those Mom dilemmas.  He doesn't sound great but he is dying to go to the party.  Croup is an inflammation of the upper respiratory system and I didn't feel he was contagious so I chose to let him go.
I wanted to make the most of my time, so the girls and I went over to the Best in the West shopping center and got a bunch of errands done.  I packed snacks and tried to be ready.  The party was for two hours and I wanted to keep the melt downs to a minimum :)
We first went to Petsmart.  Nickel our crazy dog is allergic to a bunch of things and she only eats one certain type of food that is only sold at Petsmart.  The kids love this store and have to check out all of the pets.
Second we went to JoAnn's.  I love their fabric remnants which are always half off.  I also needed some buttons for a shirt.  Here is Taylor posing with her favorite buttons she found.  I like this picture because it shows my caravan.  The stroller, that Taylor insisted on pushing (She really was a big help) and Hayden contained in the shopping cart.  That girl is still too wild to let her roam the aisles.  Usually around three is when they figure out how to behave in public.  With Hayden I'm hoping for anytime before age 25. 
After JoAnn's we headed over to Babies R Us because they have a Mother's Lounge and Ryan needed to be fed.  Ryan did so well and was very patient through all the stores.  Taylor found this room display of La La Loopsy, she was in heaven.  It is her new favorite thing and she begged for it all for Christmas.  If you look closely you can see in Taylor's hand is not one but two hand sanitizers.  She calls them her "hand sans" and carries them everywhere.  Where did this child come from?
After picking Tyson up we swung by Wendys and had a yummy lunch.
Jason brought us home an awesome treat from the temple.  The best cinnamon rolls ever!  They have gotten me to the temple all by themselves a few times :)
We had a crazy rain storm on Thursday and it totally washed out our rocks in the front of the house.
Jason fixed all the rocks and the girls rode bikes.  Tyson had a relapse of croup and had to be in the house.
I spent the afternoon cleaning up from the crazy rain as well.  I seriously hate the rain because of the mud the dog and the wheelchair track in the house.  I have done these floors 4 times now and they still look the same!
Jason got everyone leftovers for dinner and I went to CPR training.  It was a pretty quick class and is always nice to see those emergency videos they come out with.  They have these trainings in a bunch of different places, this time it was in an old folks home.  I sat and watched this huge spider cross the room right for me and when it got too close I had to act.  I stood up and smashed the thing.  5 minutes later I feel something on my foot and look down and see a huge cricket on me.  I jumped out of my seat and kicked my sandal off.  Needless to say no one wanted to be my CPR partner after freaking out about all the bugs.  Good times!  But now I am certified again for another 2 years, if anyone needs chest pounds and rescue breathing, I'm your girl. 


  1. 1. I am reluctant to even type this as I don't want to jinx myself, BUT, my kids have never had croup. They better not get it this year or I will blame you.
    2. Family history work is a foreign language to me. Megan has to give a talk in sacrament meeting on the subject this week and I am in a panic, as I will be no help! Expect a call from her soon!
    3. The caravan is to die for! And Hayden just makes me smile whenever I see a picture of her.
    4. That is crazy about your rocks. I think we had minimal rock disturbance in my neck of the woods.
    5. Wendys = Best fast food ever. Seriously! I can't get enough of it.
    6. Impressive that you have cleaned your floors since the storm. Mine still have mud foot and paw prints on them.
    7. And finally.....what's with the bugs? I feel bad for all of those oldies that can't swat them away!

  2. WOW!!! Busy Busy day! I always am amazed that you can do so much with all your kids!
    You had so many rocks wash out! Luckily we didn't have that many!
    I love Wendy's too...their french fries are the best! I also love their Spicy Chicken Sandwich!
    Good to know you are CPR are invited to every pool day we do next summer!
