Monday, October 22, 2012

Sundays suck

Sundays are always crazy around here, it just seems like any time slot we are assigned is hard.  The 9am is too early, the 11am is right in the middle of lunch/nap and 1pm is too late.
 This year we have the 11am session.  It's really rough on Hayden, she has already been labeled "aggressive" and "emotional" by our nursery leaders.  This Sunday was especially fun when she and her friend Parker were both cranky and started fighting.  We were told when we picked her up she was screaming, scratching, and kicking.  (I taught her all her fighting moves)
We were told we should go home and have a "talk" with Hayden.  Before any "talking" or lunch happened the girl passed out right on the kitchen chair.  Should I take offense with our nursery leaders, or chalk it up to church stinks with a two year old?  I'm leaning to offense :)


  1. When we had 11 am church one of stayed home to have Eli (yes not Oliver) get a just wasn't worth it. Its hard on them!

  2. Maybe you should get so offended that it forces you to leave the church (just until Hayden grows out of her naps).
