Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The stressful circus

The circus came to town again and we of course were there :)
 I usually really enjoy the circus but this year it was  a little too crazy for me.  These guys started the show with tons of horse tricks.  One trick was some guy hooking his foot in the stirrup and then having the horse drag him around the circle.  I ask you what kind of trick is that?  It looked awful and I kept waiting for him to be trampled and then I was thinking of ways to get my children from not seeing it so they wouldn't be traumatized for life!
 Then these five dudes totally botched their trick and the guy on the top fell down and the two under him went as well.  The saddest part was seeing the horse go down, I swore it's leg was broken and they were going to have to put the poor thing down.
 So after everyone was freaked out after the accident and they get the horse back up and the one guy is limping they do the trick again!  At this point I close my eyes and tell Jason to let me know when it was over.  Awful, just awful!  They did their trick successfully but from then on I was totally done with the "death defying" excitement.
This guy did a really good job with the lion and tigers.  He was a lot nicer than the guy last time and could speak english which is always nice.
The problem is that in the middle of his act the tiger traps him against the cage and everyone is freaking out, he laughs and says "all part of the show, folks".  Not so much, I could just imagine Tyson telling everyone he saw a guy get eaten by a tiger.
These two ladies came in on elephants which is always so fun.  The protesters outside were so upset with how the circus treats their animals but I can tell you these elephants are the cleanest ones I've ever seen.
Anyways, these ladies have a ring braided into their hair and then cables come down and they attach the ring and are pulled up into the air where the do spinning tricks.  Taylor was enthralled and now is planning on joining the circus.
These guys got so high in the air it was scary!  Especially since we had just seen the trapeze people preform and they were dropping like flies, but they had a net thank goodness.
The elephants are super great, slim possibilities of danger so I could relax and watch their performance without imagining horrible accidents.  And then I remembered Dumbo and how the elephants went on an attacking rampage and took the circus down.  Suck!!
The theme of the circus was dragons, which Tyson loved.  They did a good job with making them look realistic.  They of course were my favorite part too, not real and can't hurt anyone!  I think I am just getting too old for the circus or maybe becoming to Momish, or maybe I need medication.  I can't tell :)
This is our one and only picture of the family at the circus, we have to get better at documenting our big activities :)


  1. The elephants are ALWAYS my favorite, but I admit do feel slightly guilty driving past the protestors. But not guilty enough to stop going!

    I am impressed with your dedication to the circus year after year. I would like to go every year but it seems I am on the every 5 year plan.
