Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ryan is 2 months old!

Our baby is already two months old!!  Where has the time gone?  We attempted a photo shoot the other day and this was the best we could get.

 We tried all different poses just to hide the back rolls.  Gotta love chubby babies!

 Ryan always has her hands out of her blankets or up in the air.  I guess she's gotta have them ready for when she needs them.  Ya never know what's coming at you in this house!
By the end she was not a happy camper and let everyone know how she was feeling!

Ryan now weighs 12 lbs 6ozs which is in the 95%
Her height is 21 inches and that is in the 10%  (I know her pain)
The kids have nicknamed her: Ry-Ry and love her to pieces
Hayden still is a bit hesitant around the baby, which we are so grateful for!
Ryan finally figured nursing out and is almost on a schedule.
She still is not the best sleeper and spends 60% of her day in a swing
Ryan does well in the car and does well in public at all the things she is drug to.  At 2 months she has already been camping in Utah, to the circus, to a 51's ball game, and 10 movies!  What a trooper!!!
She is taking a pacifier, so maybe she'll be our first girl not to suck their thumb (here's hoping)
We are so lucky to have Ryan as part of our family!!!!!


  1. I can't begin to explain to you how much I love the name Ryan or my love for chubby babies!
