Sunday, May 17, 2009

weekend update

I haven't posted any crazy Tyson sleeping pictures lately, so here is one on the Father and sons. Who knows what he is doing with that arm! I could take daily pictures of this boy sleeping and 9 out of 10 of them he would be striking a crazy pose or sleeping in a crazy position. What a nut! Jason took a couple of pictures for me at the camp out. Tyson was one of the only kids that didn't get in the water, I'm told.
Eli and Tyson
Eli, Jackson and Tyson
The guys had to leave the camp out right after breakfast because Tyson had a 10am t-ball game and Darrell and Mark had a track tournament at 12pm. So when Tyson walked in the door, I stripped him down and washed him the best I could, got his t-ball uniform on and ran out the door.
Tyson is getting so good at t-ball! He is doing t-ball positions, running after balls and running to the bases! Here is a quick funny. Tyson played third the whole game he went and caught two balls and threw them to first I was SO PROUD. So when they come over to the dugout after the inning, I am standing with Tyson's water and I am shouting, "Tyson you got two balls, good job!" Then I replay the sentence in my head and am so embarrassed I just go back and sit under the tree.
The coach is so funny with Tyson, he just teases with him to get a reaction. Sometimes Tyson just seems out to lunch when the coach tells him to do something.
Look at that hit! What a boy!
Here is Taylor being a silly.
The girl is obsessed with batteries. She crawls all over with them in her mouth. I know I am not going to win mother of the year award anytime soon with these pictures.
It got up to 102 today! One of the fathers brought this mist system to water the boys while they practised. It was pretty funny.
There is that punk kid again. Tyson already got his ball and threw it in. That kid sat there for 5 minutes after this picture and cried like a baby.
There's my running boy!!!

We kept trying to get a picture of Tyson's shorts while he was running. They were falling off and it was hilarious. We have never had a problem with these shorts. He was just running like a champ today and the poor shorts couldn't keep up!


  1. At least you did not need the mugshot pics for any reason! ;)
    Just think how much better Tyson will be before next year!!! He'll put all those boys to shame!

  2. Your posts always make me laugh. I'm glad he seems to be enjoying t-ball more than he was.
