Monday, April 28, 2014

Preschool Easter Party

We went to the park for Hayden's preschool Easter party.  Taylor was so helpful being the bunny so the kids could throw rings at her ears.

 We always have the most adorable food.  We had bunny sandwiches, watermelon, vegetable dunkers, and cupcakes with peeps.

 No Easter party is complete without face paint.

 Suzie was in charge of the craft and had the kids make ears, nose, and whiskers. Adorable!
 Ryan thought we were all crazy :)

 Here is the crew minus Niki.  I want to add a caption that says "The usual suspects" above this picture.  We made them line up to take pictures but also to tell them the rules of Easter hunting, ie No tackling your friends!!
 Taylor is an old pro at hunting and was done with her basket quick.
 Ryan took a little more time.
 I got the kids these fun little fur real pets.  They were too adorable to pass up.  The kids started racing them on the sidewalk.
 So funny!
Always so fun when we get all these kiddos together.  Yeah for Easter!!