Tuesday, July 2, 2013


We just finished a round of swim lessons at Silver Mesa Rec Center. 
 This year I had Taylor and Hayden in the same class.  Taylor was a little more advanced than the rest of the class but she loved being the teacher's helper and demonstrating what they were going to do next for the littler kids.
 Tyson was in with the big kids.  He thinks he is a good swimmer but he constantly goes back to doggie paddling.
 Ryan would last about 10 minutes sitting with me before she would want to be exploring everywhere.
 One day after swim we went to Wet n Wild.  It was still packed but me and the girls discovered the wave pool and had a blast in there while Tyson and Jason stood in line for rides.

We also took a few friends and met some friends at the Hollywood pool.  Tyson is still talking about their mini lazy river and wants to go back.
This was our last day of swim lessons for this session.  We have another session that starts in a few weeks.
 I kept trying to get a picture of Tyson going down the big slide but he was way too fast for me :)
 The girls loved being able to play on their last day.
 Ryan was a champ and didn't fuss to much about being drug to the pool every morning.
 All these fun swimming adventures are getting the kids so tan.  Yeah for kids who tan!!
Don't you just love summer?!?


  1. I am just now trying to do a post about swimming lessons and am about ready to throw my computer across the room!

    I love swimming lessons, and kids who tan.

    We do need to go back to the Hollywood pool. I still can't believe you brought all those extra kids. You are a better woman than me!

  2. sound like a fun summer.
    the kid are growing up fast
