Monday, June 3, 2013


This year our life, it seems, has been taken over by "projects".  Jason cringes when I say that word :)
 If you know me I am what you call a "picker" or an "obsesser".  I sit and pick and obsess over something until it is how I like it.  I kept staring every day for 5 years at this kitchen and hated the wood color on the cabinets. (Please look beyond the kitchen mess and see the main issue here) Even these pictures make me crazy, I hate that wood color!
Well I decided to paint them all!  I used this awesome stuff called gel stain.  It is really thick and doesn't drip all over the place like real stain.  I used the color "Java", it was the darkest I could find.
 This is only one coat on the doors, I did 3 coats on each side and then a coat of poly to give everything a nice shine.  Here is the kitchen halfway done.
 While doing the kitchen I looked over and saw that dang wood again on the stairs so they have also been turned "java".  (Tyson has been known to lament, "Why does everything in our house have to be black")  It's java :)
Jason has seven days off next week and I will take final pictures of the kitchen after he installs the drawer pulls.
 As if the kitchen, stairs, and did I tell you about the bathrooms? redos weren't enough.  This guy on freecycle was getting rid of his kitchen cabinets from 1955 for free and I sent Jason over to pick them up.
 I cannot tell you how disgusting they were! I had to buy wire scrubbers and actually scrap off layers of filth before I could stain them.  Horrible!
 Taylor was my painting assistant, I let her design anything she wanted with the first coat and then I would come by and smooth it all out.
 The cabinets had two huge bottom sets, one with four drawers and one with a door and two shelves.
 Here are the top cabinets .  We cut the part that goes over the microwave off and put them together with this weird little cabinet.  We didn't put the door back on the weird one and just left it open with 2 shelves in it.
 Jason made a middle section for the two big bottom pieces.  I am putting a tile top on this and then a trim around the edge.
Hopefully next week I will post pictures of all our finished projects.  Fingers Crossed :)


  1. I am the same way! I will obsess over something I dislike (HATE) for years, until I finally decide how I want to change it. My problem is indecisiveness which is why it takes me years to make a change!

    I love the Java, and can't wait to see the finished product.

    You continue to amaze me.

  2. I love, love, love the dark cabinets (I mean java)! I wish I had half your energy for projects--you're amazing!
