Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Ryan turns 1!!

My little girl has turned 1!!!
 This girl is an eater!  She knew exactly what was up when that cake was placed in front of her.

 She thought I was taking it away but I was just trying to feed it to her with a spoon.

 Then I gave up, it was her birthday after all. 
 She honestly cleared the plate.  I love babies who eat :)  I also love that she would not let go of that graham cracker the whole time she was eating, saving some for later.  Always planning ahead.
At 1 Ryan:

-Is still a Mommy's girl, she is now tolerating Jason but still loves to be held tight by Mom.  She never lets go of hugs first, I am usually prying her off so I can get things done.  It's rough being the 4th :)
-Is allergic to many things, we thought she would grow out of it but we are finally getting tests done.  She constantly has weird break outs and skin rashes.  We for sure know eggs are a problem.  I can't wait to know exactly what the triggers are for her breakouts.
 -Still has quite a large head.  She is in the 95% for head, 50% for weight, and 5% for height.  Poor short, big headed girl :)
- Loves to clap if anyone else is clapping and loves to clap for herself.
-Tolerates Tyson, dislikes Taylor, and tortures Hayden.  Her favorite thing to do to Hayden is go up to her and try to steal things from her, especially her blanket while she is holding it in the car or holding it and watching a movie.  Ryan laughs and laughs while Hayden just bawls.  Good times :)
-Can nod her head yes if she wants something and can shake her head no if she doesn't like something.  I love when they start to communicate clearly.  Ryan knows exactly what she likes and is not easily redirected.
-Is obsessed with the stairs, if they are ever left open you can bet that's where she is.  She loves to crawl up but hasn't figured out how to get down yet. 
-Hates, I mean HATES, nap time and bed time.  She has a scream that just pierces your ear drum, so even after she stops screaming and has fallen asleep you still think you can hear her screaming.  But once she's asleep she sleeps through the night and takes a really nice 3 hour nap during the day.  It's just getting past the screaming that kills you :)
-Has her two bottom teeth only and she loves to play bite you.  She has never bit down on anyone, it's her fun little game.  I am amazed at all the foods she can tear up with those two little teeth.  Slow teeth are the best!
-Nursed for a whole year (the longest out of all the kids) but refuses to drink cow milk.  She'll take one sip of it and then spit it out all over the place.  We even tried fat free milk, it's basically white water, no dice.  Our doctor told us to try flavoring the milk and to try other sources of calcium.  Ryan is a huge yogurt and cheese fan :)

Ryan is such a special addition to our crazy crew.  She constantly makes us laugh with her little personality.  She is a lot of work, (which the other kids complain about frequently), but she is worth it.  We are so lucky to have this wonderful girl in our family! 
Happy Birthday Ryan!  We love you!!!

1 comment:

  1. Although I really don't like the term lol, I laughed out loud and smiled a lot while reading this.

    Is that German Chocolate Cake? It is my favorite and now I feel compelled to go in search of some.

    Happy Birthday Ryan!
