Friday, June 7, 2013

DeMille life

I had a collection of random pictures on the camera and thought I would share :)
 Hayden and her dog.  Pit bulls get a horrible rap for being bad tempered and vicious, but we have had the best dog ever.  She is so patient with the kids and really puts up with a lot.  Here she is bundled up with a baby doll and stayed that way until Hayden came back with more toys to bundle up with her.
 Then she went to get a drink of water and we laughed and laughed watching her walk with a blanket still on. (Our house is always under construction, a ladder in the living room is very normal over here)

Taylor doesn't take naps very frequently so when she gets really tired she just drops where she is.  Lucky Jason :)
 She was OUT!
Cutie patootie  Ryan.
 She rarely shares her food so this is a very rare picture :)  I think she was actually just teasing me, when I would go to grab it she would pull it away and put it in her mouth.  Such a nut!
Tyson's last baseball game was super fun, it makes such a difference when your kid preforms decent :)  Look how cute he is out there in his "baseball ready" stance.
 I miss seeing our Red Sox boys every week.
Tyson earned money by hitting off of the coach and getting kids out while he played a base all season and bought this huge lego set.  Gotta love bribery :)
A small glimpse into life at Casa DeMille .


  1. The picture of Nickel and the baby doll is too cute for words!

    That looked like such an uncomfortable sleeping position for Taylor and it doesn't look like Jason is sitting in an ultra comfortable chair. I don't envy him.

  2. Its so funny that you bribe him!
    What project are you working on now at home?
