Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Target drama

Well life has been a little crazy lately. To take a break from the madness I went to Target all by myself the other night after Jason got home. I had a lot of coupons that were going to expire soon and wanted to get some good deals. I walk in the store and see cottonelle toilet paper is on sale. I always buy Kirkland paper from Costco, but I had a coupon and thought why not? So I go through the store and did find some great deals. (Dove deodorant 2 pack for .50 cents) I check out and as I walk outside I am reviewing my bill. The cottonelle toilet paper cost $14.98. What the heck? The ad said it was on sale $6.99! I march right back in the store, up to customer service and demand for my money back. This little old lady calmly rescans the toilet paper and puts the difference on a Target gift card($8.08). I turn the toilet paper over and see that it had a redeem now coupon for a dollar. I demand that she also give me another dollar. She opens her till and hands me a dollar. Very pleased with myself and the money I've saved I walk past the weekly ads again and realize that the 12 pack of cottonelle is on sale and I have the 24 pack. I quickly run out of the store and cannot show my face again at Target for at least a week!


  1. Don't you love it when that happens. I always feel SO stupid. :) Ah by another week you'll have a few more sales you'll want to hit.

  2. You are SOOOO demanding! Serves you right!
    JK...I hate when I do something and later realize it was all my fault...doesn't happen THAT often though! :)

  3. I would suggest wearing a wig next time you go.
