Thursday, June 18, 2009

part 3

This is how my son spent his last t-ball game. He wouldn't run after the ball and we constantly were yelling at him to get his face out of his mitt.
Tyson has rediscovered the joy of fudgesicles. Wouldn't he make a great Gomez Adams? That mustache is priceless!

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  1. What an adorable picture...the last one. His smile is priceless!

  2. And get rid of the word verification thing when we leave comments...JK...but not really! :)

  3. I'm so excited that Tyler will be playing T-ball in the fall! He's super excited too! I can't wait to see how he does. We were trying to decide between t-ball and soccer but he seems to have more interest in baseball so that should be fun! P.S. I agree with Rachael on the word verification thing :-)
