Friday, July 18, 2014

Last day at Disney & failed 12x12 (June)

I thought for sure I would have tons of pictures for my June 12x12 but sadly it was an awful day and I only ended up with 7 usable pictures for the whole day.
We didn't get to Disneyland until after 11am.  We had an ugly morning of kid melt downs, a crotch kicking incident, and packing up to go home a day early. U-G-L-Y!
We finally decided to start fresh and try to make the most of our day.  We did all of the little rides we didn't do the last time we were at Disneyland.  Mr. Toad's is always fun.
 I really thought Hayden would like it by now but NO!  She hated it.
 It was hard to even get her in this photo op car for a picture.
 Splash Mountain was the best.  It never gets old and is the perfect ride for summer.
 The Buzz Lightyear ride is a must!

 We left a little early and the kids were on a dollar system for the day.  They started the day with $10 and for every freak out, whining fit, or melt down they had they lost a dollar. After dinner we went to the dollar store and they spent the money they earned from acting decent during the day. (I wish I had done this system at the start of the trip, it would have made things a lot easier!!)
The kids were in heaven and took forever to decided what to spend their money on.  Hilarious!!


  1. that is a great idea to get them to behave!!!!

  2. You are always coming up with brilliant ideas.

    Have I ever mentioned that I don't really like to ride Splash Mountain because I think the things you ride in (whatever they are called) always smell like pee. I'm sure it's all in my head.
