Friday, July 25, 2014


We went to our favorite Barnum and Bailey Circus.

This act cracked me up. I know there is a punchline somewhere here,
The motorcycles are always thrilling and this year they stepped it up and added...
...neon lights!
We love this tiger/lion tamer because he speaks english.  It got a little hairy with one of the tigers and he tried to make a joke out of it but it was still scary.
He actually kissed this lion. Some people have death wishes!

Ryan was mesmerized.  I love how big she is getting, it's fun to see her reactions :)
This year's theme was legends so they had a Pegasus.
And of course a unicorn.
The kids love all the horses in the show.

The elephants are always the highlight!

And so are the snow cones :)

The little dogs are hilarious!
Tyson loves pigs and is always begging for me to get him a mini pig.  Could you imagine a mini pig running around your house?!
Tyson almost died when they brought out this woolly mammoth.  He thinks he knows everything about dinosaurs and animals that existed in their time period.  I had to reassure him that they are still extinct and this is an elephant in an awesome costume.
More amazing stunts:

We love the circus! Woohoo!!!


  1. How fun! I'm gonna have to go one of these years....

  2. You always get such great pictures at the circus! What is your secret?
    I love the circus but for some reason we haven't been in forever! It seems to sneak up on me although I do KNOW they come every year in June.

  3. And....I also meant to say that I hope you don't have any readers that have taken up the plight of the elephant (although I do feel terribly if they are abused, but I still love the circus!). It's a quandary.
