Friday, July 11, 2014

End of the school year fun

For Tyson's 2nd grade class I found these fun t-shirts that have skulls on them with sunglasses on.  Freakily they had the exact amount of kids in his class plus the teacher on the shirt (it was meant to be!).
 Each kid went around to each table and signed their name above, below, or through one of the skulls. I wish I would have taken a few pictures of the finished products.  No 2 shirts were the same, but each of them had all of the kids and teacher's signatures. So fun!
 Here is Tyson's teacher Ms. James signing too.  I had them write in fabric markers so the signatures should last.
For the teachers we put together this fun orange bucket and gave them a card that said, "Orange you glad it's summer?" (Thank you Pintrest :)
 Taylor had a beach inspired program/graduation.  She practiced and practiced for all the songs they sung.  She also had to have "wavy hair" for the performance (her idea).
 I can't believe my little girl is going to be in all day school next year. It makes me sad for a minute until she follows me around the house all day long and then I can't wait for 1st grade!!
 Taylor and Klara.  They are such good friends that they either will only play with each other or will be fighting and not speak to each other.  Gotta love little girls :)
 We ran straight from Taylor's graduation over to Hayden's preschool graduation.
When I first got the schedule for these 2 events I was super sad and knew I couldn't make both.  One started at 1:30 and the other started at 2:00.  I debated for weeks what to do and decided to tell Taylor sorry but I couldn't go to her graduation.  I figured Hayden was smaller and needed me more.  Jason on the other hand told me I should go to Taylor's because she will only graduate kindergarten once but Hayden will graduate preschool 3 times.  I was torn but figured I will see as much of Taylor's as I can and then run to Hayden's.  Lucky for me they ran through the kindergarten program super fast and I was only 5 minutes late for Hayden's!!  Woohoo!!
Hayden lit up when she saw us and then started participating in the songs.  Gotta love my Hay-Hay.
 She loved getting her diploma.

Here she is with her teachers.  Ms. Krystal on the left is the class helper and Ms. Christina on the right is the teacher.  They are super great and we hope we get them again next year!
 Ryan was in heaven with double snacks from each graduation.  I think all the sugar helped her not be so wild with missing her nap.
Crazy, busy, stressful day, but so worth it to see both my girls graduate!!!


  1. I hate when my kids have scheduling conflicts! It tears my heart in two.

    Will Tyson please skip two grades so him and Jackson can be in the same class and you can be room mom? Please.

    Or you could just switch to Losee and Sadie and Taylor could be in the same class and you could be room mom for them!? Much easier.

  2. i might have to steal your teacher gift for next year, so cute!
