Thursday, November 5, 2009

Almost 4 year olds

My little guy is growing up way too fast! He'll be 4 in a few weeks and is already giving me the 4 year old's attitude. The talking back has been HORRIBLE!!! He constantly is pushing the limits and today at the park I had had ENOUGH! I tell him it's time to leave he pretends he doesn't hear me, I tell him again, he says something rude (ie. time to go with your stupid butt) so I grabbed Taylor and left. We got in the car and started it up, you've never seen a kid run so fast out of the park. We have a long discussion the whole way home on how he speaks to his mother and how he acts if he would like his mother to do nice things or him. What the heck?!? He's only 4!!!
His newest thing is telling me what is cool and what isn't. The other night we were rocking out to Rage Against the Machine while folding laundry and he stops me from dancing by telling me, "Mom, you can't do these things, you're not cool. You're beautiful, but not cool." I guess I had better take what compliments I can get since I am so uncool. Is this why some animals eat their young?


  1. Yes, this is totally why animals eat their young. Don't worry though, I will be "uncool" with you. Oh yeah, you can remind him that you brought him into this world, and you can take him out (Bill Cosby).

  2. What a boy!!! I'd like to tell you it will get better- but it doesn't- good luck! ;)

  3. HAHAHAHAHAHA! You crack me up! Tyler has been getting that attitude a lot and I have heard, "I hate you" lately way too many times. Fun stuff this being a mom huh?

  4. Oh sad!!! I think you are totally cool! Where does he get these things!! My attitude isn't with my 4 year old-its always been with my 10 year old. Luckily she doesn't say rude or mean things to me...YET!!!

  5. Although I wouldn't enjoy being called stupid butt, I would take beautiful any day.
