Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November 12x12

We have had an awful November so far.  The kids have been sick FOREVER!  We started our morning with snotty nose Ryan playing chase with the dog.
I was teaching Hayden's preschool from 9am to 11am.  We are learning the letter J this week.  I lay all of the supplies I am going to use out on the counter with a note for myself so I don't forget anything.  With 9 three & four year olds running around it is a lot easier to forget what you had planned to do than you would think :)
 Our kids are reading the Book of Mormon again and Tyson and Taylor are drawing a picture to go with every 2 chapters we read.  Some pictures crack me up!  I am trying not to influence what they draw.  I want them to listen and draw what stood out to them.  My favorite so far is Taylor's multi color house, it is suppose to be "the house of Israel".  Hilarious!  I'll do a blog soon of the best pictures so far.  We just made it to Words of Mormon, wish us luck!
 Tyson on his way out the door.  One of my favorite things about our house is the front porch area with a gate.  I love that we can listen for carpool and have the front door wide open.
 The preschoolers came and it was J learning time.  We made jets out of popsicle sticks, practiced writing upper and lower case J's on the white boards, had jello for snack and then it was on to jam making. 
 All the kids sat so patiently for their turn to smash the fruit.  Super fun!
 After all the kids went home with their jets and jam the girls asked for celery for lunch.  Let me say that again, they asked with no prodding from me for CELERY for lunch. I don't know how I lucked out with these great eaters but I am grateful!  Hayden ate an entire bunch of celery herself.  I was in awe.
Before school Taylor got a little piano practice in.
Right after Taylor left for school the Century Link guy came to my house and was here for 2 hours! No we are not dating, that is how messed up century link is.  We got it last month and I have cursed it every day since.
While the Century Link guy (Pete, we got acquainted in the 2 hours he was here.  I think he was going to hug me before he left until I gave him my hand to shake.) was here I worked on some Christmas crafts.  Gotta love pintrest and left over burlap :)
Pete left at 2:40pm and I was backing out of the driveway before he had a chance to move his car.  My afternoons are spent with this bunch of crazies.  This day is a squish day (as I affectionately call them) Tyson and Taylor have to share a seat because we have the baby with us.
On Tuesdays the kids have music right after school.  This day we brought 2 friends home so their parents could go to an appointment.
Tyson ate a quick dinner and was off to football practice the minute Jason walked in the door.  I tackled the laundry and tried to keep the girls from killing each other (not a simple task!).  When Jason got home and the kids were in bed we sat down to watch one of our favorite shows, Biggest Loser, only to find out that all the fixing Pete did to our stupid TV's wiped out all of our shows that were set to record.  Curse you Century Link!! Curse you!!!


  1. I only hear bad things about Century Link. However, when I received my Cox bill this month (for internet) and found out they raised their prices AGAIN, and by SEVEN DOLLARS A MONTH I was furious. Not so furious that I would switch to Century Link, but furious enough that I am going to make a phone call.

    I don't know what to say about Biggest Loser this year. I like that they have cut it down to one hour, BUT still find myself fast forwarding through all Dr's visits and emotional breakthroughs.

    You are an AMAZING preschool teacher. Seriously. Where can I buy your patience and energy?

    Also, Gina Graham has started a new pinterest club on facebook. Every month we do a different pinterst idea. I will add you (AKA Jason) to the group.

    Celery for lunch!? Gag me with a spoon.

  2. You amaze me! Sawyer came home so excited to have his jam on a sandwich for lunch. I have not heard good things about Century Link. :(

  3. I love your 12x12 posts! One of these times I might do one.
