Saturday, September 14, 2013

Setember 12x12

September 12x12
We started the morning off with a little Hayden & Nickel bonding.  These two love/hate each other.  Sadly Hayden is the only one who pays any attention to old Nickel, the rest of us always tell her to go.  Even the baby :)
 We also started our morning with homework that was left over from the night before.  I would pay a school good money if they didn't send homework home.  What is the point, to make me crazy?  Is my son learning anything from me screaming and tearing my hair out?  This particular homework session ended in tears and no TV for the rest of the day.  No TV was added to the loss of computer and DS from the day before. Ahhhh! I hate homework!!!!
 I don't know about anyone else but my children have been especially awful since school began, as evidenced here by all the toys the girls have lost from their room.  They are down to 1 baby doll and 2 barbies.  They guard them with their lives.  I am the meanest Mom, I know.
 After Tyson was off to school we had Hayden's 2nd day of  Joy school at our house.  We have 9 kids this year and they are adorable.  I think they are much more active than last time.  They were shy for about 30 minutes the first day and on Thursday they walked in the door like they owned the place.  We learned about the letter A and had apple juice and animal cookies.  The kids were also filling out their letter A bubble paper with stickers. (Sawyer is not breaking rules, just helping :)
 After Taylor went to school and Hayden's bus picked her up for her other preschool me and the babe were off to Target.  She was a monster because she was late for nap. 
 After Target and while Ryan napped I started decorating for Fall.  It just seems too hot to be getting out fall things but if I don't get a move on these poor decorations will spend another year in the garage.  (Don't you just love scarecrows?)
The other day Jason and I got the new trampoline put up.  The kids have been dying to get on it and haven't been able to because it was all wet from the rain.  So the minute the kids got home from school I made them get in their soccer clothes and then they could go jump.
Not 2 minutes in to jumping, Taylor lands on her head and bites her tongue in 3 places!  We were done with the trampoline for the day after that.
 I made everyone eat a quick dinner before heading out the door to soccer.  Jason and I are doing the HCG diet again and I thought I would take my dinner to go.  Its a "Waldorff salad" made of celery, chicken, and apple, with cinnamon, apple cider, and Stevia.  Yum! (Said dripping with sarcasm)
 As always Hayden had been a beast during dinner and promptly passed out on the car ride.  We picked up our neighbors and took them too so their Mom could go to the open house at the school early.  I'm nice like that :)  I usually hate driving other peoples kids because I am a huge car swearer and don't like them reporting what Sister DeMille says.  I try to keep the music up and the cursing low :)  My kids have also started playing the game "Bingo" in the car. (Thank you Wadley family)  It's where you spot a yellow car and shout bingo.  Tyson and Taylor were playing along and Zack kept shouting bingo.  Tyson was getting very annoyed and told him, "Zack! You can't just randomly shout out Bingo, you have to see a yellow car!"  Zack answered, "We're playing with yellow cars? I thought it was yellow buildings!"  I laughed and laughed.  That Zack is a nut!
 Once soccer was over we hauled hiney over to the kids school for open house. I broke the rules and took the kids too. I was going to drop them off but thought I would look like a weirdo just roaming the halls by myself.  I was glad I did, the kids were able to show their classrooms off and their work.  I liked Taylor's teacher before open house and after I'm not a fan. I thought she was nice before and then actually really talking with her she is quite pompous and a bit of a jerk.  Here's hoping this year goes fast!
 Tyson made this very odd paper doll for me.  I thought maybe it was just Tyson's but all the kids were this weird.  What the heck am I suppose to do with it?  She put an industrial size magnet on the back so I guess I am forced to display it on my fridge.  Freaky!  Tyson's teacher also was odd.  Her comments on Tyson were "He is a deep thinker."  I actually said, "What does that mean?"  She said when they are having classroom discussions she thinks they have talked about all the different aspects of a subject and then Tyson will raise his hand with another thing that no one has thought about.  Deep thinker? Ok.  Jason was just amazed Tyson would raise his hand in class :)
Super crazy day.  I'm just glad it is over!!


  1. Eli has told me that his teacher Yells "Shut Up" at them. I am SOOOOOOO not ok with that!!! In my 14 years of being a parent I have maybe used that phrase 4 times! Unacceptable to me!!!
    We ditched the Open House...I felt no guilt! Alexis had a volleyball game and it is WAY more fun watching the Varsity Play then roaming busy halls!
    I don't like trampolines...I think they are dangerous and cringe when my kids jump on one!
    HCG....stay strong girl!! I need to do SOMETHING!!!!!!!!
    Oh the homework front...Eli hasn't had ANY and I am not ok with that! I know I am weird but I worry he is going to be dumb!!!!

  2. Jackson has had NO homework this year, and it worries me a bit. Like Rachael I feel like he will be falling behind! Although I hate tons of homework too, so I imagine there could be some sort of happy balance?

    We really lucked out with our preschool group 2 years ago. They were all good! And I'm not just saying that.

    I do not know how you are doing HCG. I tried to start eating healthier a week ago and I have never felt worse in my entire life. I grew up on fast food so I feel like my body just does better eating unhealthy. Makes total sense. Right?

    My kids were introduced to Bingo while in a carpool a few years ago and it might have just been my most hated carpool year, solely based on the annoyance level of that game.

    I brought my kids to open house too. Too bad about Hayden's teacher. I'm not in love with my kids teachers this year either.

  3. I am happy that I have never heard of Bingo in the car. I'm sorry to hear about the teachers. Hopefully things get better instead of worse!
