Monday, April 1, 2013

Spring Break

Spring break was last week and I am so glad it is gone!!  I try to be a fun Mom and had awesome activities planned for the whole week. 
 Here is a run down: Monday-movie
        Tuesday- McDonald's
Wednesday-Chuck E Cheese
Thursday-Pump it Up
Friday-Hockey Game
Saturday-Ward Egg hunt
Sunday -EASTER!
Do you think my devil children appreciated all the fun they had?  Not one bit!! By last night at 6pm all children were in their rooms and had lost quite a bit of toys and privileges. Why, I ask you, Why?!?
 Here is our fun recap of Chuck E Cheese.  Hayden LOVED being in charge of her own money bucket, she would walk aimlessly through all the toys and choose the one that spoke to her.  She never played the same game twice or went on any ride twice.  Such a silly girl :)
 Taylor was in heaven, she is finally at that age where she can run around and doesn't need Mom to show her how all the games work.

 While Hayden was on the horse a bus full of kids came and she waved at them while they clapped for her.  Sometimes I think she is in her own world and then she surprises me with how much she knows.  She acted just like a princess waving to her fans.
 Ryan was dying to be let down so she could scoot all over the action but it was of course too gross and dangerous to release the beast.
 This is the one and only shot I got of Tyson and he is in the background.  He had run out of tokens and I asked him to help Hayden find some games.  That lasted 1 second. She lost it when he tried to take one of her tokens out of her little bucket.
 Hayden put a token in this machine and I didn't even know how it works but she won the grand prise.  It was hilarious.  Usually we only get one ticket at a time and this thing kept spitting them out.
It was fun to go to Chuck E Cheese and just play.  No birthday pressure and no schedule.  We may do this again some time if I decide to take these kids anywhere again that is :)


  1. Hayden needs to teach a class about getting that many tickets! That never happens to me.

    I actually do not hate the Cheese. It always surprises me how much fun it actually is.

    Megan told me she saw you at the hockey game! How fun. I have NEVER been to one.

  2. you are such a fun mom!!!!

    poor hayden's eye! :(
