Monday, April 1, 2013

Pump It Up

I got an email a while back advertising an Easter egg hunt at Pump it Up and HAD to sign the kids up!
 Hayden was very timid this time and got stuck on every single slide.  The workers were really nice and kept trying to talk her down.  Eventually I told Tyson to go up there and push her down.  So he did just that, gotta love big brothers!
 Ryan and the gear :)
 They had a craft for the kids to make, an hour of jumping time, a snack, and the egg hunt.
 They didvided the kids up by age and each kid could only get 6 eggs.  Here they are listening to the rules.
 The weird part was they has the hunt in the dark with a bunch of neon lights going.  Not so fun for a 3 year old.
 The other kids loved it though.
 Tyson was a little too excited :)
 Gotta love kids who actually eat.  All three of them demolished those cupcakes.  We were in a large group so of course Taylor went over and pretended she didn't know us.
 After the snack they had the kids turn their easter eggs in for goodie bags. 
Super fun Easter activity!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a fun activity.

    Big brothers are good for so many things. Not the least, pushing their sisters.
