Monday, April 15, 2013

Roller skating

Tyson's school had a skate night at Crystal Palace.  Jason, our resident expert on thinking he knows everything, told us we couldn't bring our own sates because we would scrape up the places special floor.  Have you ever heard anything so crazy?  So we didn't bring the kids brand new skates and rented their nasty ones.  We spent 25 minutes trying to get the perfect skate for Tyson and tie it just right.  I could have killed first, the hubs, second the whiny kid!
 Hayden thought it was hilarious to just throw herself repeatedly on the floor.  Such a nut!
 Tyson couldn't figure it out at first and fell a ton.  He came over and took his skates off and wanted to go home.
 Taylor was a huge fan of the wall, she followed that thing around and around.
 Hayden was a full time job out on the rink.  She kept throwing herself down and Jason had to keep saving her before others ran her over.
 After a pep talk/ life threatening, Tyson got his skates back on and gave it another go.  He did really well and we had to tear him away from the rink when it was time to go.
 Taylor had a blast going around with her favorite guy, Daddy.
 Ryan was dancing and loved all of the action.
We will have to make another trip to the roller skating rink with not so many people and our own roller skates :)


  1. I really wanted to go to this but couldn't find the time! The $5 price was amazing!

    I love seeing the picture of Taylor and Jason, but think it is unfair (albeit wonderful) that girls love their dads so much. Last night I spotted Sade cuddling on the couch with Eric (a task she would never do with me) and felt a twinge of jealousy. What am I? Chopped liver?

    Anyway....We should take the kids this summer.

  2. Again...your patience amazes me! I haven't been in years! I need to go! But I don't have the patience you do!
