Thursday, March 14, 2013

March 12X12

March 12x12!
 Our Stake Presidency has challenged our stake to read 2 chapters of the Book of Mormon every day starting March 4th.  I hate to say it but it is a huge challenge.  Luckily we have this lovely chart to keep track.  I try to read while the kids are eating breakfast.  Do you ever worry about reading the"whore of all the earth" and "everlasting chains of hell" and then sending your kids off to school?  I'm just waiting for the phone call from the school saying I have to pick my kid up for his language :)
 Adorable Ryan hates BofM time and will scream and yell if she doesn't have something constantly in her mouth.
 We spent more time in the car than the house this day.  School carpool, preschool carpool, Darrell's doctor appointment, El Pollo Loco, Home, Preschool pick up, school pick up, music carpool and then finally home for good!
 This is how poor Ryan got her nap for the day :(
 Hayden was so happy to get out of the car for lunch!
 I get El Pollo Loco every 3 months or so and I always love it.  Good thing for my diet that it is not closer!
 Before picking Tyson and the carpool kids up the girls used up some energy riding bikes.  Lucky for us the guy across the street is always gone and doesn't see that my kids are always on his driveway :)
 While they played I cleaned out the car.  I actually found 8 coats in there!
 When I picked Ty up from school I didn't get even a hello I got, "I don't want to go to music class!"  Mrs. Kim did a puppet show where the knight kissed the princess and he can't stand it.  Gotta love boys :)
I ran to the grocery store to get away from kids  to get a few things and came home to my baby on the trampoline!  Isn't she the cutest?!  She loved it!
 Last time we were at Costco Jason bought some jalapeno and mango sausages.  They were good just not spicy enough for me :)
After dinner we conquered the laundry pile that was getting a little out of hand.  I hate folding, it's just the worst.  Another busy Tuesday!


  1. I have to say that I am a bit burnt out on the scripture reading challenges! I can't take another one and consequently have not even attempted to start this one. Last year I read the Bible (another challenge!) and decided my kids need to be at least 20 to read it. I can't even repeat, let alone explain, some of the terminolgy used!

    I have many days where I am constantly in the car, and find them draining. I am pretty sure my car currently has 5 towels, 3 jackets, and 2 shirts in it. And those are just the ones I know about.

    I have never eaten at El Pollo Loco and it appears I am missing out!


    Jalapeno/Mango Sausages....Yum!

  2. Holy Laundry Pile!!! Folding laundry is the only time during the day I get to watch TV so I don't mind it at all...but I only have 3 kids! BTW...the stake president didn't CHALLENGE but invited people to read...we turned down that invitation! If it were a CHALLENGE maybe I would have am I kidding...I'm a sinner and probably wouldn't have! :) Every time I have gone to El Pollo Loco I am not impressed...I am probably getting the wrong thing...yours looked good. Maybe I'll give it another whirl!
    I cringe when it says the work "whore" in the scriptures too!
