Saturday, March 2, 2013

Great Harvest

Taylor's preschool went on a field trip to Great Harvest.
 By the way those kids are staring you would think the guy is telling them about amazing things right? No, he is telling them the different parts to a wheat kernel.  Even Spider man is fascinated :)
 I honestly think each one of them are just staring at the guy wondering when they are going to get their huge cookie, well that's what I was doing anyway :)
 They show the kids how they put slices through the machine and it cuts them.
 But Taylor's favorite part is when he gives them all a piece of dough to play with.  I was just glad Taylor didn't eat it this year!
 Hayden got that bag and immediately sat nicely down to eat her cookie, she's no dummy :)
 Whenever we go out with others Taylor constantly tries to pretend she doesn't know us.  Yes, she's a special girl.
 She did know me long enough for me to get her a slice of pumpkin bread with butter on it.
I don't know how I am so lucky but this is the 4th year in a row I have been on this field trip.  By the time Ryan goes to Mrs. Aubrey's class I will have been 4 more times. I really better start listening to the lecture on wheat, maybe when Ryan goes to school I could get a job as the field trip guide :)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you have found your new career: Wheat expert!

    I am amazed at the patience the kids show during the lecture. I have zero of it which accounts for me talking with you the entire time.
