Saturday, March 2, 2013


Woohoo! Dentist time again!
 This year Hayden actually sat for a cleaning without me!  She's so big!
 Hayden still has a cross bite, I don't know much about these things but I was hoping it would magically fix itself when she got older. Not so much, we will be frequenting the orthodontist when she is bigger.
 Taylor is an old pro now with the dentist.  Her and Hayden both have 10 teeth and no cavities :) Tyson also had no cavities.  Our friend who lives around the corner has 8 cavities in his baby teeth.  When my kids heard about it during carpool they asked him, "Was your Mom so mad at you? Our Mom would have killed us!" I laughed and laughed after I dropped them off at school.
 Ryan was with me in the lobby showing everyone how to open your mouth wide for the dentist.

 She can't wait for her turn in the chair but first she has to actually get some teeth.  She just turned 9 months and no teeth are in sight :)
Gotta love slow teeth!  Tyson is now 7 and he still has all of his baby teeth.  When he was little he used to fall and land straight on his front tooth and now it is going to come in sideways (according to the x-rays) so we want him to keep those baby ones for as long as possible :)


  1. My kids have appointments scheduled for the end of the month that due to lack of insurance I am going to have to cancel. Weirdly, they love going so it will be a disappointment for them.

    The first time Jackson went to the dentist he had 7 cavities! I should have had you give him a good talking to.

  2. kid are fun
    thanks for posting it fun see them

  3. That is a lot of cavities! I wonder if the mom sent her kids to bed with sippy cups of juice! Sad! My kids were late getting their teeth and losing their teeth!
