Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Bass Pro Shop

We try to go to the Bass Pro Shop's Easter Activities as often as we can.  They do a really great job and have a bunch of fun things for the kids.
 The key is get there EARLY!  We were the 4th in line to get pictures with the Easter bunny.  By the time we were done the line wrapped around 3 aisles.  Hayden and Ryan were not fans of the old Easter Bunny, Taylor and Tyson are old pros now at posing with characters.
 After the picture we got to work on hunting!  This year it was tricky, you had to have 5 different colored eggs from 5 different departments.  They gave you a little print out so you knew which color to find where.
 Hayden was so excited to find eggs but then couldn't understand when we would only let her grab one. 

 After we turned in our eggs for candy and got our craft to make at home we went exploring.

 Jason dreaming :)
 The kids we very interested in these stuffed animals and kept asking what the animals were stuffed with.  The funniest part was when Taylor saw the mannequins sitting on the rocks and asked, "Mom, what are those people stuffed with?"  We had quite a few chuckles with her after that :)
 The kids loved watching the fish being fed.
 Even Ryan was fascinated.

Just to really go for parents of the year we took the kids to yogurt land after all this Easter excitement.  Our kids are obsessed right now with filling those yogurt cups to the top with every kind of flavor.  It makes me gag but they love it.  Super fun day, can't wait for our next 3 Easter egg hunts! Yeah for Easter!!


  1. One area I lack in as a mother is taking my kids to pose with characters. I never, and I mean NEVER do it!

    I also am not the type of mother to allow my kids to fill their yogurt cups to the top. You are really excelling!

    You have 3 more egg hunts to go to? We don't even have one planned. :(

    That comment from Taylor is too, too cute!

  2. I had no idea Bass Pro Shops had all this stuff for Easter--cool! You are such a fun mom!
