Monday, March 18, 2013


It's that time of year again!  Baseball season!!  Woohoo!!
Taylor is playing t-ball and is on the Phillies and Tyson is in coach pitch on the Red Sox team. 
 This is opening ceremonies.  They have the kids line up and walk in a parade with their team.

Taylor started her first game as the pitcher.  They had drawn this huge circle with chalk and she would not move out of it.  It was hilarious!  The coach of the other team started rolling her balls in between hitters so she would move. 
I think my favorite part about t-ball is when the ball gets hit and rolls between their legs while they are trying to stop it.  So funny!
Taylor is getting better and better with her hitting, she's not trying to kill the T anymore :)
I love that this kid is sitting playing in the dirt while Taylor is running by.  This kid was really into the dirt, t-ball not so much.
Tyson is totally serious this year.  He has hit more this season than the last two seasons combined!  Which also means I am paying out a lot of money!!  It is well worth it, I can't tell you how happy he is when he hits off of the coach.
Tyson also started his 1st game off as pitcher.  He was a little more active than Taylor :)  Tyson is on the same team as he was for the fall, I was hoping for a new coach because I didn't feel that our coach really noticed Tyson.  Not that I blame the coach, it would be frustrating to put all this time and energy into a kid who never hit one ball last season.  I was wrong and we are so grateful to have Coach Wade.  I have friends on all different teams and have heard some awful stories this season.
This year we let the kids put $40 into the raffle baskets and we won one!  Last year we won 3 baskets so the kids just thought that if you put your ticket in then you win.  We waited all day for a call and never got one, so we had many discussions on being a good sport and how you don't always win.  Then the next day we got a text message saying we won!  All my lectures for nothing!
The basket was full of gift cards equalling $120!  It also had 2 card games and an electronic card shuffler.  Awesome!  Gotta love baseball season!!!


  1. sound fun,

    look like you have 2 good ball players

  2. I'm jealous! I never win those darn baskets! I am also jealous that you have Wade as your coach!

  3. You are so crazy lucky to win baskets every year! However I would be the person buying only one ticket and hoping I would win.

    Tyson is making such a turn around! Your persistence has paid off. They are both such cute little ball players.

    I am about ready to scream my head off in frustration at Primary Sports this year! I need to transfer to city leagues.
