Thursday, September 13, 2012

September 12X12

Woohoo! I finally remembered to do a 12X12!
 Our mornings start pretty early around these parts.  I get the guys up at 5:45am every morning and get them ready for their buses.  This morning I did it with no kids hanging on me which is always nice.
 After I got Mark out to his bus I went upstairs to find this.
 We had a small carpool this morning, one of the other Mom's had to volunteer at the school so she took the Somerset crowd and I had the preschool girls; Taylor and Becky.
 Right before we were rushing out the door for school I looked over at our chrysalises and saw that there were two butterflies out!  I was trying to be frugal and didn't buy the butterfly feeder and thought I could make one on my own.  You are suppose to use a sponge soaked in sugar water.  In my panic to feed the butterflies I trashed under the sink and only found a used sponge.  I made sure it was clean but then freaked out the rest of the day that maybe it wasn't clean enough and the kids would come home to dead butterflies.  Stress I tell you!!
 This was our first time with butterflies and it may never happen again!  When the caterpillars come they come in a small plastic container with a paper on top and a plastic top on top of that.  When they form their chrysalises they are suppose  to attach to the paper, you take the paper out and pin it to the enclosure.  Super easy right?  Well our stupid caterpillars didn't get the message and ATE the paper and then attached themselves to the plastic top!  Hence the craziness you see in this picture, we used duct tape, an index card, safety pins and wire to get them attached to the enclosure.  Stress!
 After Taylor got home we had her friend Becky over.  Sad thing was we came home to no power in the house for about an hour.  Luckily our swings run on batteries!  Ryan's nap was not interrupted :)
Hayden passed out while watching Dora.  Our motto in our house is leave them where they drop.
 While the girls were occupied I tackled the laundry monster.
 And then with a rare spurt of energy (thank you mountain dew), I tackled the horror that is the girls room. 
 Tyson had his first soccer practice for his soccer league.  I think it is going to be fun, we've never played on a real league before just church soccer.  I begged the boy to wear soccer shorts but he would not be swayed.
 After practice we headed over to KFC.
Finally when we got home we busted out Tyson's homework and then played some sight word blast off.  Tyson earns a dollar for every game he wins.  He takes the game very serious, he has been saving up for a lego set all summer and is $4 away.  Well, that was a small glimpse into our crazy world :)


  1. *It would ALMOST kill me to have to get up at 5:45 am.
    *The kids all in bed together is adorable!
    *The butteflies would be dead at my house because I own no sponge.
    *I went to the gym at noon yesterday and the power was out there too! Awesome! It meant I could come right back home.
    *Sades room right looks the same, except it is half the size. That is one awesome large room!
    *Just last night I was just mentioning to Eric your commitment to your kids sports, and we were doing much admiring of you.

    I love your 12 X 12's!

  2. I flaked yesterday and didn't do a 12x12...I had nothing going on besides a trip to Costco! That would have been a boring post!!!
    Your girls room is HUGE! I am jealous!!!!

  3. what a fun day!!! i'm gonna have to try this 12x12 thing out!
