Tuesday, September 25, 2012


 We released the butterflies!  After they came out of their cocoons we kept them in their habitat for a couple days to observe them.  I have a whole new outlook on butterflies after all of this and I have to say now I don't like them.  I always thought of how pretty they were but I realize that was from a distance.  Sorry to say they are freaky.
Please do not be alarmed, there was not a butterfly massacre in the habitat.  When butterflies come out of their cocoons they release metabolic waste which looks a lot like blood, but I have been assured it is not.  I also had to reassure the kids many times that it is not blood.  No butterflies were harmed in this experiment :)
 We thought if we opened up the habitat they would magically fly up and leave.  These ones were not the brightest (It could be my fault for dropping the cocoons, whatever).  Tyson got his gloves on and helped them out.

 Then those stupid things promptly flew to the house and sat there.  It's like they've never seen stucco before.  Oh yeah, they've never seen anything before.  I went in the house and eventually they went away.  So anti-climatic!
The worst thing ever though is that I got an email from ribbits galore, the butterfly company, and because we are "valued customers" they want to give us a double set of butterflies for half the price.  Ahhh! I can't resist a sale but I also have lost a small amount of my sanity over these stupid things.  What is a girl to do?


  1. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! this is how i feel about watching plants/seeds grow- it's just something that shouldn't be done.

    so......did you buy more???? :)

  2. The red blood type stuff is disgusting. That right there would be enough to turn me off of butterflies for life!

    I too can't resist a sale, so I perfectly understand your quandary.

  3. I've always wanted to try this, but after reading about your experience...I think I've changed my mind. Good luck with your double order! :) Maybe the butterflies will be smarter in the next batch!
