Friday, January 15, 2010

starting the long weekend early

This girl is now a wild and crazy toddler. The tantrums are amazing and the screaming could make grown men cry. (And does, Poor Jason!!) Taylor starts official nursery without Mommy in there on Sunday. Her new favorite words are Eat and Me!! She runs into the kitchen and screams Eat every morning. She can pack away the food with the best of them. Anytime someone has something she wants she shouts Me until we can't take it anymore and give her anything to stop the shouting. Good times, good times :) Jason decided to take the kids to FAO Schwarz today. He was going to do it alone and at the last minute I decided to go. Not that I didn't trust him or anything I just wanted to see the kids reactions to all the toys.
Taylor found this Big Bird stuffed animal and I had every intention of buying it for her until I found that it was over $40 dollars. It was ugly separating her from him.
This was my favorite, Taylor kept hugging all these crazy monkeys.
Tyson loved the fish, they were super cool.
We then went to a favorite of ours: Leatherby's. My family and I have been going to Leatherby's since I was a kid. Back in the day it was the greatest place ever. Now it is a little less than a dive and I am totally surprised we have not gotten the stomach flu or some food borne illness from the place. The service is HORRIBLE, and every time we go I think, well it can't be worse than last time. And it always is!! They have this one Asian waitress and she will not listen to anything you order and does anything she wants. And I KNOW that she is thinking in her head that I don't need ice cream and calling me fat. I KNOW that's what she's thinking because she makes little noises after I order ice cream!
Taylor was not a happy camper. It was nap time but we persevered. The waitress would not let Taylor drink out of a little cup and insisted she get a huge styrofoam cup with a straw.
These are the little cups she wouldn't let Taylor drink out of. This picture was taken right before the madness started. Jason knocked a little cup over and it got all over Tyson. So Jason goes to tell the waitress and she makes us change tables and then takes all of our water cups away from us and gives all 4 of us styrofoam cups with lids on them.
Jason and I were tempted to get up and leave but the ice cream is too good so we endured this crazy waitress and this crazy place. I also believe that it could be a drug front for the mafia, but keep that on the down low :)
I bought these great 3-D puzzles at Michael's the other day and Tyson and I put one together. It was a snake and it HAD to be painted Tyson's color green (of course).
I think I am pooped out for the long weekend just from today. What are your holiday weekend plans?


  1. You introduced me to Leatherby's and for that I will always be grateful. I can taste Tracy's Peanut Butter Cup right now!

  2. Do you not remember that you can get it to go? You can have ALL the ice cream you want and at home- and here it is the PERFECT weather for it- you can never take it to go in July.....

  3. Sounds like you had fun, the toy store looks great! Sorry about your Leatherby's adventure.
    We went with you once and I think the same lady was there!!! Hope your doing good Kellie!
    Love you!

  4. Where is Leatherby's? Although...if the service is that bad, not sure I want to go. Man that lady sounds RUDE!!!!

  5. That is hilarious about the cups! We went to Letherby's once, but luckily didn't have this crazy waitress. I can't believe Taylor is old enough to start nursery. Just in time for you to carry another baby around church.

  6. Do you remember the crossed eyed girl who worked there?! I never knew which one of us she was talking too....
