Friday, October 9, 2009

Where the wild things are

I constantly say, "What are we raising?" The answer is wild things. Every time Tyson sees the previews for the new movie coming out he shouts, "There's my movie!" He hit it right on the head!! We dug out the old costume box and this lovely weapon was in it. Tyson is in heaven with such a huge toy to chase Nickel with. (Poor dog!) Now, I am NOT one of those mothers that lets her kids run around in diapers all day, but this day I made an exception after Taylor totally destroyed 2 outfits. One outfit she will never wear again courtesy a fudgesicle and the other outfit has some serious cheetos damage.
Doesn't she look too cute with her little pot belly hanging over her diaper? Chubby babies are the best!
Tyson has decided that his favorite color is green. I have a Fabulous Friday tonight and we needed to paint these letters so we can embellish them later. Tyson thought it was the greatest that the letter "T" (his letter) was going to be painted green (his color). He did great painting it and laughed the whole time about his color and his letter :)
I went to DI the other day. (Sad to say I am not a fan of our DI, check out Savers if you want real thrift store action!) I did however find an awesome treasure, this amazing dinosaur costume! I thought maybe Tyson would be scared of it but he thought it was awesome too and has been wearing it a ton!
I thought I had solved the bat issue by getting this great costume, but when asked what he's going to be for Halloween he still says a bat. Time to hit the websites and see if I can find one!
This is my favorite sleeping picture so far. He was literally growling at us like a dinosaur, took a break and passed out. He sure keeps us entertained !
Tyson had another t-ball practise yesterday. His first game is Saturday. It was confusing having two boys named Tyson, I'm hoping they'll give the other boy a nickname or something. We tried calling Tyson, Tyson D. but he didn't get it.
Taylor thinks she's on the team. It's going to be hard to keep her off the field on Saturday.
Tyson playing catch. (Taylor in the middle of the action)

Waiting to catch a ball (Isn't he too cute with his glove on his hip?)
The best part about this season is the running! He is doing so well!!!
Oh, I love these wild and crazy kids. Here's hoping number three is calm and mild. That would certainly be a BIG change around here!!


  1. Love the sleeping picture!
    Also-I am saying-forget the 'healthy snack' for tonight...please bring something taste and yummy!!!!

  2. Ha ha, I love the dinosaur costume. That is hilarious. I saw this pic of a bat costume in a magazine, I meant to tell you. It's not that exciting but it looks like it might be easy to make.

    I think Baby 3 is going to be very calm and look just like you.

  3. I used to be a mom that didn't have her babies run around in a diaper, but Sadie broke me, and now I am! I can't imagine Savers being better than D.I., but I will take your advice and try it.
