Friday, May 18, 2012

Disney on Ice

We went to Disney on Ice.  This time it was 100 years of characters.  So much fun to see all the different characters. 
Nemo was fun, they did the scene with the sharks.  Hayden was enthralled!
They sang the original Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song and had a marching band.
We came straight from the church ball field so that is why we look so lovely :)
Aladdin was really cool with the tons of genies.
Taylor's favorite part of course was the princesses.  Do you consider Pochantes and John Smith princess royalty?  I don't and it was weird seeing them out there next to Snow White and Cinderella.  I guess they are trying to diversify the princesses :)
Our most favorite part of the show was the Small World part.  It looked just like the clock tower at Disneyland and then they had the "dolls" come out from all over the world.  Really fun!
Then they made it ten times cooler by lighting the whole thing up!  That Disney really know how to put on a show!!
Mandatory snow cones :)
Since they were doing 100 years they had to throw in Pinocchio.  Isn't that whale awesome? It actually swallowed Gepeto.  The kids were very concerned and Tyson was talking about it again just the other day.  He has a whole plan if he gets swallowed by a whale.  It includes a large amount of pepper he says.
John Smith's wig is just awful but the rest of the princes and princesses were really cool.
Happy faces, gotta love that kid!
I do love having kids because they get all the fun productions made for them!


  1. Pepper is a brilliant idea! That Tyson is such a smartie.

    Again I am so impressed with your dedication to take your kids to these things. I have NEVER taken my kids to Disney on Ice. NOT ONCE!

  2. Do you have a whole cupboard dedicated to your snow cone cups? Wasn't Disney on Ice just here a couple of months ago? I too am impressed that you guys always take them!
