Sunday, May 27, 2012

Our Newest Addition

Introducing  Ryan Elizabeth DeMille
 We went in for our planned C-section on May 24th at 10am.  Look at that belly!  I have never been so miserable being pregnant.  I had no ankles and couldn't do much with my hands before they would go numb because of swelling.
 Here are our traditional funny poses before the baby comes :)

 And here she is!!!!  All whopping 8lbs 6 ozs of her.  We were shocked how little she was!  We were taking bets before she was born, Jason's bet was 10lbs and mine was 9lbs 14 ozs. Our other girls were 9lbs 11ozs and 9lbs 6ozs so we expected another nine pounder at least.  The doctor was very impressed with my "geyser of water"  when he broke the water so that must have been what that huge belly was about.
 Isn't she a doll?!
 He's not too shabby either :)  We really can't believe we are the parents of four, it kind of boggles our minds!
 Here is the first time the kids met their new baby sister, Tyson and Taylor were in love but Hayden saved judgement for a while.
 Tyson was so excited to meet her and couldn't stop talking about how cute she was.
 Taylor will not be out done by Tyson, she has to be right in there and helping with the baby too.
 All three sisters!!!
 Our first family photo. 
 Ryan on the way home :)  We were so excited to get out of the hospital!
 Grandma DeMille and the kids made this wonderful sign and we were so surprised when we pulled up and saw it.
Ryan is the best baby!  We are so excited to have her as part of our family.  Thank you to every one for all the calls, texts, presents, and well wishes!!  We feel so loved and blessed to have so many wonderful and caring people in our lives!!!


  1. Yay! So cute and love the name! Congratulations!

  2. Congratulations, Kellie! I cannot believe you're a mom of four! She is beautiful! Glad everything's going well.

  3. YOu have adorable kids Kellie. Congratulations on your new addition. I think she is a keeper!

  4. Love the name!!!!
    I guess that is why you weren't at our ward Memorial Day Breakfast this morning huh? Too busy with a new baby??

  5. Oh my goodness! She is gorgeous!! I almost cried when I saw the pictures of her with Tyson and Taylor. I am so happy for you and your family, and can't wait to meet her.

  6. Oh she's beautiful!! So glad everything went well and baby Ryan is here. Congratulations!!!

  7. Congratulations Kellie! She is beautiful and a cutie! Hope you're feeling better and able to relax and take care of yourself!

  8. so glad she is here and you're done with pregnancy!!!! she is such a doll- can't wait to see her!

  9. Congrats!! LOVE her name and she's a cutie! So happy for your family!

  10. Congratulations!!! She is such a cutie!!! :)

  11. Kellie!! I love the cheeks! She is so stinkin cute!
