Monday, March 8, 2010

March Madness

Here are a couple of pictures of the kids doing their favorite things: Tyson being crazy.. ...and Taylor sucking her thumb while pulling on her hair.
This was a rare find at DI the other day. It came in it's original package and everything!
We can't believe Hayden is already 5 weeks old! She sure loves her bouncer.
She is not too big a fan of the car seat, but once the car gets going she will usually calm down.
Our friend Kristin loaned us her amazing baby swing, it goes front and back, side to side with rotating birds and leaves above head while playing songs or natural wood sounds. Can you believe that? What they won't think of next!
Tyson passed out like this the other day, sitting in an Elmo chair while sitting on the coach. Don't you love his pajamas? They're my favorite. The monster truck was his other DI find, it lights up and everything. Side note, You may notice that Taylor has no DI finds, the reason: Daddy was in charge of finding her something and was too snobby to get her anything. What is a mother to do? Jason has now been outlawed from coming with me to the thrift stores :)
Taylor passed out on the floor the other day, which is rare for her. The problem was she didn't get her nap thanks to 11am church. So around 6 pm we find her like this.
I do complain about the dog, but she sure puts up with a lot of abuse and the kids love her!
Nickel even helps put the kids to sleep :)
Grandma and Grandpa sent the girls these matching dresses and it was so fun dressing them up and taking pictures! Taylor is finally getting kissing down and is giving Hayden a kiss.
Taylor looks like she is smiling but she is really yelling at the camera and trying to hit it :)
Here's the whole gang. Aren't they cute?
Now if only they would, stop fighting, messing up the house, spilling food everywhere, teasing the dog, destroying their toys, ruining their clothes, stealing Mark's things out of his room, bossing Darrell around, jumping off the furniture...
The list goes on and on!


  1. L.O.V.E. their matching dresses- isn't it SO worth it to have girls so you can match?! I would be BROKE if I had girls!!!!

    Love the last picture- and all that you posted after that picture WILL HAPPEN.... only it does in about 20 years when they move out- SEE!!! Happy thoughts going your way!!! ;)

  2. The kids look so cute in their outfits!! I love it! The picture with Taylor holding Nickel's tail is hilarious, you should just buy that girl a wig so she can put it on her face when she's sleeping.

  3. Your children are so precious. I also love the pic of Taylor holding Nickel's tail, what a good dog! I remember how patient Nickel was with Matthew and Drew.

  4. That sleeping picture of Taylor is great! What a good dog you have. Jason needs to get over his thrift store snobbiness. D.I. is THE BEST!!!

  5. All the pictures are so cute! The dresses look adorable on them! Thanks for posting, keep them coming! Love you all!

  6. love the picture of all 3 of the kids in their church clothes. Soo precious!!
