Saturday, March 27, 2010

sick days

These three kids are going to be the death of me! All three have been sick for two weeks and I am at the end of my rope! The coughing, the hacking, the runny noses... it goes on and on! Tyson was sick first and gave it to the girls. On Monday night I was in the ER with Hayden and they tested her and said she has RSV. It's not really a bad case but we have to keep a close eye on her. Taylor has finally gotten over the fevers and only has the cough left. The problem is you don't want to take the kids anywhere, because when they start coughing people look at you like you are horrible for taking them in public.Today we got our new couch! We are so excited to have an ottoman. Simple pleasures :)
Another new purchase this week was a new microwave. Ours decided to stop heating things up all of a sudden.
Hayden is getting so big and more alert. I think she sees she had better hurry and try to keep up with/escape from her brother and sister.
Tyson passed out on the bottom stair on Wednesday after his last day of our co-op preschool. It was hilarious!
He slept there for 3 hours and never fell off once!!
Here is Hayden in her first pair of jeans :)
A picture with all three kids looking at the camera and looking half decent...
...a miracle!
Now if only they would get better already!!!


  1. That is no fun to have sick kids! Luckily Alexis rarely gets sick, Oliver hasn't gotten sick but then Eli-that kid just has allergies so appears to be sick but isn't!
    Love the couch...looks so comfy!

  2. Sick kids are no fun- get better so we can play!!!

  3. Having sick kids is the worst!! Once again Tyson thoroughly entertained me with the sleeping pictures.

  4. Hope all the sickness is over soon!Love you all!

  5. Sorry they are all sick. Definitely not fun! And I love that couch. Looks comfy!

  6. How are the kids doing? So sorry they were sick, not fun. wish I were there to help. love the picture of all the kids, so cute. Tyson crakes me up with the many different places he can sleep. That is a talent :) The couch looks great and love hayden's jeans. so cute!!
